Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Healthy Chain of Events for Employees!

Once again I am trying to come up with new ways to promote wellness at work. Here is a fun new game! A Healthy Chain of Events!! I took strips of construction paper and wrote healthy acts and RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness) too! Just like back in grade school link the pieces together and glue to seal. I have hung the chain in the break room and I have asked employees to only take a link at one of the ends of the chain. Then... DO IT! YES! Sometimes that means doing some stretches on the spot! The hard part is getting proof! We have a technology company so it is easy for me to ask them to send a selfie or for someone to send a picture, sign off on the link or they can submit a receipt showing me they bought a salad for lunch. Each time you do a link you get entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to Whole Foods. Make sure your employees put their names on the links they turn in!! Hopefully a fun way to get your employees involved and just wait and see, those selfies are hilarious sometimes!!! Enjoy!